For explanation about the simple present, present continuous and other times go to the link grammar on top of the page and use the drop down menu to find the subject you want explained.


Subjects discussed on this page are:

- Capital letters

- Dates

-Telling time

-Much/ many

- Which/What

 Capital letters


  • Begin a sentence with a capital letter
  • I is always with a capital letter
  • Days of the week, months, holidays are with capital letters (Monday, April, Christmas)
  • Capital letters for countries, languages, nationalities, religions (Japan, English, Christianity)
  • Places and names also get capital letters (White House, Grand Canyon, Empire State Building, Los Angeles)
  • Titles have capital letters (President, Ms Johnson)


Dates: are not written in the same way. In Dutch we write 27 april 2018. In English we write April 27, 2018 


Telling time: half drie --> half past two

                            kwart over twee --> quarter past two

                            kwart voor five --> quarter to five

                            zeven uur --> seven o'clock

                            tien voor negen --> it is ten to nine

                            twintig over 12 --> twenty past twelve o'clock

Much/ many


To understand which one to use you have to understand the difference between countable (telbare) and uncountable (ontelbare) nouns (zelfstandige naamwoorden)


Countable nouns (things that can be counted.  They have a singular and plural form): tables, men, chairs, laptop --> many

Uncountable nouns (can't be counted or are never counted): rain, four, happiness, darkness, humor  --> much





Which is used when there is a limited choice.

Example: Which colour do you prefer, blue or purple?


What is used when the choice is limitless.

Example: What kind of music do you like?




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